God Is Still Present

A conversation between Ryan Crawford, guest; and Devaughn Williamson, host.

So, let's rewind to 2005, the year Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Ryan Crawford, a guy who's all about his hometown and its sports teams, found himself facing the biggest storm America had seen in ages. Imagine, he'd just started college, and boom, this monstrous hurricane rolls in, turning life upside down.

Ryan's dad, like a lot of dads in crisis mode, wakes everyone up before dawn, saying, "Grab some clothes and snacks, let's hit the road." They figured they'd wait it out somewhere safe and come back when the coast was clear. Little did they know, that was the last time they'd see their home.

So they bail, hoping for the best, but reality hits hard. They end up in this tiny town, huddled in a hotel room, glued to the news, watching their neighborhood disappear under water. Can you imagine the shock? They were totally unprepared for the chaos that followed.

Ryan Crawford, guest on the Faith Ignite Podcast

But here's where faith kicks in. Ryan shares how, even in the midst of uncertainty and devastation, they felt God's hand guiding them. They witnessed God's provision in the smallest of things. From keeping the gas meter running to finding a place to stay when they had nowhere else to go, God showed up in miraculous ways. Strangers stepped up with help—maybe just a mattress or a place to crash—but each act of kindness felt like a miracle. It's a surreal experience when you have no answers, but seeing God work in the little details gives you hope to keep going.

Ryan's journey illustrates the raw beauty of trusting in God when you have nothing else to hold onto.

But it wasn't just about surviving day-to-day; it was about finding joy in the midst of the struggle. Ryan emphasizes that even though they had no answers and nowhere to turn, there was a profound sense of peace in knowing that God was in control. Their journey taught them to embrace humility, recognizing their own limitations and God's sovereignty over all things.

Through it all, Ryan learned the importance of humility, not as a show of weakness but as a recognition of God's greatness. Humility isn't about downplaying your abilities but acknowledging your place in comparison to God's. It's about serving others, trusting in God's provision, and finding strength in moments of weariness.




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