God in the Details

“Start with what you know, and the rest shall be revealed,” says Daniel Santos.

A conversation between Daniel Santos, guest; Devaughn and Rosa Williamson, hosts.

DW: Tell us about yourself, who is Daniel Santos?

Santos was born and raised in Peru with a dual citizenship (Peru and United States). He was then recruited for competitive tennis at Tulsa University with a full ride scholarship in 2013: graduated with a business degree in entrepreneurship, human resources, economics, and communication. Post graduation, he spent two years at Rhema Bible College.

Guest Daniel Santos speaking on Faith Ignite’s Podcast; season 1, episode 3

DW: What does it mean when you have a call on your life?

DS: We all have calls on our lives; we are designed for a purpose. It’s up to us to seek Him and find out what it is.

“Father, if you have me here, I want to fulfill everything you have for me in my life,” Santos declares.

Santos recalls an image that he used while teaching at a youth camp: he asks the youth to imagine getting to the end of life with four hours to live, and they are handed a book with all their accomplishments in it (family, wealth, spiritual life, impact, etc.) A second book is handed to them titled, What God Meant for You to do in Your Life.

“Imagine opening the book and it’s not what you had done in your 70, 80, 90 years of life…we’re supposed to do what [God] wants for our life,” Santos says.

Speaking to Devaughn Williamson,“There could be things that you are doing, Devaughn, that if I tried to do them, they’re great and awesome, but they’re not for me, and vice versus.”

“The gift that you have upon your life can be done with minimal effort, that someone else can’t do,” Santos quotes his mentor, Mr. Shell.

Santos was able to understand ministry from a young age because of his parents and from people in ministry: he is blessed to know God fully and see Him in his everyday, says Santos.

“How does that happen? By spending time with [God] everyday….you have to know God and His voice,” he explains.

RW: What will you tell those who are struggling to find the calling on their life?

DS: The most important thing you have to do to seek the face of God, is seek the face of God. God makes himself plain, but we think it’s complicated. When I’m able to find Jesus, I’m able to uncover my true self. Ultimately, if you don’t know the call on your life, that’s fine, but be faithful in what you do know — to love God and love others. Start with what you know, and the rest shall be revealed.

DS: My mother and bible school taught me this, “Ministry is spelled W-O-R-K.”

Santos shares examples that lawyers are called to the courtroom, doctors to the hospital, and pastors to all the needs that the congregation may need. He saw that first hand with his own parents as pastors.

DS: Love God and love people, and I get to do that in the marketplace. I get excited for that!

DW: While in the process of Tulsa University and Rhema Bible College, what did it look like when you were in that process of waiting?

Santos explains that waiting is also serving God.

“When you’re waiting, you get excited because you know it’s God’s promises that are going to come, but it is being faithful still in His timing,” says Santos.

DW: There’s importance in words and thoughts. What does that look like for someone who’s trying to walk in faith?

Santos tells the Bible story of Jesus being tempted by Satan while fasting in the wilderness. Jesus rebuked Satan with scripture, and we are to do the same in the midst of doubt, Santos encourages.

DW: What is one piece of advice you would leave for the listeners of the podcast?

“Lean into God,” Santos goes on to say, “You may know what God wants to do in your life, but what’s exciting is that you don’t know the full magnitude of it yet.”

Daniel Santos is a testament of the exciting journey of the call on one’s life.

See the in depth conversation on Faith Ignite’s Podcast (via Youtube or Spotify).


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