It's The Small Steps of Faith That Leads To The Bigger Ones

A conversation between Matthew Samuelson, guest; and Devaughn & Rosa Williamson, hosts.

Matthew's journey is truly inspiring, filled with both struggles and victories that have shaped his faith and character. Growing up in a religious environment, Matthew was no stranger to the church, but his relationship with his faith was not always straightforward. Initially, he approached the Bible with an analytical mindset, treating it more like a puzzle to solve than a source of spiritual guidance .

Matthew's turning point came when he encountered a spiritual mentor, Mr. Shell, who confronted him with tough love. This encounter made Matthew realize that his frustrations and doubts stemmed from his desire to control his understanding of God, rather than surrendering to God’s plan ​​. This realization was crucial, marking the moment when his faith became deeply personal and transformative. He faced numerous challenges, from personal losses and professional setbacks to internal battles with doubt and fear. Yet, it was his faith that served as a beacon, illuminating the path ahead even when everything seemed bleak.

One of Matthew's major struggles was dealing with the loss of a loved one. This tragedy shook him to his core, making him question the very foundations of his beliefs. However, instead of succumbing to despair, Matthew found solace in his faith. He turned to prayer and scripture, finding comfort in the words and teachings that had always been a part of his life. This spiritual resilience not only helped him cope with his grief but also strengthened his resolve to move forward.

In his professional life, Matthew encountered numerous obstacles that tested his perseverance. Whether it was a failed business venture or a missed promotion, these setbacks could have easily led to discouragement. But Matthew viewed these challenges as opportunities for growth. Through patience and persistence, he overcame each hurdle, often reflecting on the importance of maintaining integrity and humility in the face of adversity.

Before this transformation, Matthew admits to being emotionally self-centered, focusing primarily on his own needs and feelings. However, his newfound faith shifted his perspective outward, enabling him to care genuinely for others and take actions driven by love and compassion ​​. He speaks passionately about the importance of not just studying the Word of God, but becoming it—living out its teachings in daily life​​.

Matthew emphasizes that faith is not just about passive belief but active steps. He encourages others to pursue the desires God places in their hearts, taking practical steps to manifest these visions into reality​​. This proactive approach to faith is rooted in the belief that God is faithful to fulfill His promises when we do our part.

The importance of faith in Matthew's life cannot be overstated. It was the thread that wove through every aspect of his journey, giving him strength when he was weak, hope when he was hopeless, and courage when he was afraid. Faith was the lens through which he viewed his challenges and victories, making his story not just one of personal triumph but also of spiritual fulfillment.

If this story has impacted, inspired or reignited your faith to believe God’s promises for your life, we would love for you to consider becoming a partner of Faith Ignite so we can share even more stories like Matthew’s all around the world! With your partnership, faith can be spread across the world and transform even more lives.

Devaughn Williamson President, Faith Ignite Inc


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