Trusting God Requires Patience

 A conversation between Bobby & Amber Beherens, guest; Devaughn, host.

Bobby and Amber Beherens, a faith-driven couple, emphasize the idea that life is voice-activated, like your own personal Alexa. They believe that spoken words shape their reality and train their thoughts to align with what God has promised. The Beherens have a list of things God told them pasted on their bathroom mirror which they speak aloud daily, believing that their words will create their reality.

Through daily confessions and active faith, they navigate life's challenges and victories. The couple practices faith not just in their business but also in their family, facing struggles with patience and seeking peace.

Bobby highlighted his struggle with patience but recognized its importance in building trust with God. Amber discussed the need to listen to divine promptings, pivot when necessary, and avoid becoming too comfortable in their journey of faith.

Bobby spills the beans on his current season of learning patience – not the most comfortable, but he's seeing the miracles of peace and protection that come with it. Meanwhile, Amber chimes in about listening to God's promptings and staying uncomfortable to keep growing. They're like the dynamic duo tackling faith and patience hand in hand.

An instance highlighting their faith involves a specific month where their catering business faced a light schedule. Despite the odds, they declared 25 events by the end of the month in faith. From that point on, they witnessed a significant increase in bookings, exceeding their expectations by their declared timeline.

The Team at Provision Pantry.

Their practical approach to faith includes daily confessions, individual quiet times with God, and maintaining discipline in seeking Him. The Beherens stress the importance of actively walking in love, resolving conflicts peacefully, and staying in agreement to enhance the effectiveness of their faith.

Bobby encouraged others to find a mentor or a man of God, to serve and be corrected, emphasizing the impact Mr. Shell had on his life. Amber shared the wisdom "no challenge, no change," emphasizing the need to embrace challenges for personal growth.

Overall, the couple's faith journey is marked by patience, discipline, trust in each other, and a strong commitment to their faith declarations. Their story serves as an inspiration for those seeking to strengthen their faith and navigate challenges in life.


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