Do You Still Believe?

 A conversation between Ray Ihim, guest; Devaughn and Rosa Williamson, hosts.

So, Ray's this guy with a seriously cool faith journey.

He's originally from Switzerland but grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Now, picture this - his dad's dream was to go to Oral Roberts University (ORU), and that's how they ended up in Tulsa. Wild, right?

Life wasn't all smooth sailing for Ray. They were a bit below middle class, but they found joy in the simple things, especially the parks in Tulsa. Ray's parents are from Nigeria, and his dad had this incredible journey of overcoming all sorts of obstacles to become a U.S. citizen..

Now, faith has always been a part of Ray's life, growing up in a Christian home. But it hit him differently in high school. That's when you're faced with temptations, and you have to start standing on your own two feet. Ray had to work his own faith muscles, getting a job, navigating life, you know the drill.

He went to Victory Christian, and there he realized that Christianity means different things to different people. The challenge was making it a personal walk, not just following what everyone around you is doing. Ray emphasizes the importance of building your own faith, not just riding on someone else's beliefs.

Fast forward to today, and Ray's out there in the marketplace, ensuring his actions align with the Word of God. He brings positivity into his work, focuses on the good outcomes, and lives out his faith in a practical way.

For example, Ray walks into a situation where for eight long years, they've been trying to make this thing work, and it's just not clicking. But here's Ray, Mr. Faith Guy, saying, "Nope, it's happening. It's getting done." He's like the faith warrior in the workplace, facing doubt and worry with a simple "it will get done" attitude.

And guess what? It did get done. Ray credits his faith for leading him, giving him wisdom, and helping him bridge the gap between banking and IT folks. Faith, for him, wasn't just a Sunday thing; it changed how he worked, thought, and acted in the marketplace.

Now, let's fast forward to his promotion saga. Ray's just chilling after a recent promotion, thinking he'll settle into this role for a few years. Then, enter Mr. Shell, who prophesies a promotion over Ray. At first, Ray's like, "Cool idea, but I'll believe it when I see it." Classic human response, right?

 But Mr. Shell keeps at it, telling Ray to stop speaking doubt into existence. So, Ray starts speaking faith into his life, saying, "I have everything I need right now." That shift opens doors to leadership courses, workshops, and a boldness Ray hadn't felt before.

Cut to a year and a bit later, Ray's boss calls him, ominously saying, "Come to the office, we need to talk." Cue suspenseful music. But Ray's not sweating it because he's already spoken his promotion into existence. Lo and behold, he walks into the office, and they drop the bomb – he's getting promoted.

Ray's reaction? "Thank you, what took so long?" Talk about confidence!

Ray at Bible Study with Tyler.

As the conversation shifted, Ray mentioned how he was being led by God to buy a house. Now, 2020 and early 2021 were like a real estate jungle – people throwing cash like confetti, homes vanishing in three days. And Ray? He's in the midst of it, dreaming of his dream home.

 But wait, rewind a bit. Mr. Shell, Ray's mentor, drops a prophecy bomb – "Ray, you'll have a home sooner than you think." At first, Ray's like, "Sure, someday when my pockets are comfy." But a month later, that prophecy sneaks back in his mind, and he's like, "What am I doing about it?"

 So, Ray's got theories, strategies, and dreams about this future home. But Mr. Shell drops a truth bomb – "Don't live on theories, get testimony." Ray's like, "Alright, time to act out this faith thing." But there's a hiccup – no money for the down payment. 

But hold up, Zillow to the rescue! Ray's scrolling through listings, a Bible study buddy named Todd turns out to be a realtor extraordinaire, and Mr. Shell adds his two cents on what to look for. Ray's on a mission, envisioning his dream home within a specific one-mile radius. Sounds intense, right?

 Now, reality check – for three weeks, nada. Faith expanding, but homes disappearing. Ray's like, "Do I need to dial down my faith or what?" He even puts an offer on a house, feels it's not right, and withdraws. Cue a bit of a rough patch.

 And the money struggle? Oh, it's real. Ray's contemplating asking for a gift or pulling some teeth for cash. But he's staying in faith and working on the practical side. Then, bam! A home pops up on Zillow, submitted by the owner – a golden ticket in the crazy market.

Day one: Ray sees the house. Day two: Offers go in. Day three: Accepted! Unheard of in a market where everyone's throwing offers like confetti. And guess what? It's in the exact area Ray circled om his faith map.

Here's the twist: While Ray only has half the funds, he's strutting into negotiations like he's got it all together. And out of the blue, a YouTube video spills the beans about a homebuyer assistance program, offering free cash. Real or scam? Ray investigates and hits the jackpot.

Long story short, funds at closing, blessings on blessings, and Ray's now a proud homeowner. Roller coaster? Absolutely. But God's favor and provision? Check and check.

So, Ray wraps it up with advice for the listeners – "Believe it the first time. God's word doesn't change." Saves you time, stress, and sleepless nights.

Now, here's the real-life lesson: faith isn't just a one-time thing. You gotta keep that faith muscle working daily. Ray's like, "I got the faith to get it; now I need the faith to keep it." And that, my friend, is the power of faith in the workplace, where you’re walking in confidence, believing in the unseen, and expecting doors to open.


Trusting God Requires Patience


Don't Assume You Know What You Want...Ask God