Don't Assume You Know What You Want...Ask God

Cody's Journey Is Nothing Short of Inspiring.

Originally from San Antonio, Texas, Cody faced the challenge of growing up with divorced parents, but he was fortunate to have a stepfather step in early on.

Life in San Antonio was a mix of blessings and struggles. Despite facing financial hardships and even periods of homelessness, Cody's parents worked tirelessly to provide for him. Growing up, he took on responsibilities that made him mature faster than his peers. But what stood out was the unwavering love and sacrifices of his parents, like skipping meals over the weekend so Cody could have a Happy Meal.

Cody goes on to share that although he was quite young when his parents got divorced, he was more concerned about his older brother, who felt the impact more deeply. Surprisingly, Cody never harbored resentment and even today refers to both his biological and stepfather as "Dad."

The conversation then shifts to Cody's spiritual journey. Raised by his Catholic grandmother, Cody developed a curiosity about God from a young age. Even as a child, he'd ask his parents to go to church and sought out items like Bibles and cross necklaces.

Growing up, Cody’s family struggled with financial instability. Cody reflects on these tough moments, revealing that he never felt trapped by the circumstances. Instead, he credits his grandma for instilling a sense of faith in him early on. Despite the difficulties, Cody always wanted to know more about God.

Cody was always a dreamer! Picture this: Cody, inspired by a childhood dream of wealth, always envisioned himself driving Ferraris, living in million-dollar homes, and googling the highest paying jobs. But here's the twist – he didn't just want the lavish lifestyle for himself; he dreamed of providing for his family, buying his mom a house, and his dad a car.

Growing up in San Antonio, Cody's parents instilled in him a strong work ethic. His determination, coupled with straight A's, led him to dream big and plan to attend a prestigious college. Now, the twist in the plot comes when Cody, against all odds, decides to attend ORU (Oral Roberts University) instead of the initially planned Baylor University. It's a move that he now attributes to divine intervention.

Graduating high school at just 16, Cody steps into ORU and encounters a profound shift. For the first time, he's surrounded by mature Christians who mentor him. This experience becomes a cornerstone of his faith, teaching him the power of love, patience, and mentorship.

Fast forward to the working world – Cody's now a business owner and a teacher in the public school system. He shares the wisdom gained from his mentor, Mr. Shell, who emphasized preaching the gospel through actions rather than words. Cody, with a teaching job among a diverse group of students, strives to show love and grace, understanding the struggles some kids face in finding their identity.

As for his business ventures, Cody's got a tutoring company, and the story behind it is nothing short of faith in action. Starting with nothing, he took a leap of faith, stepped out with no money, and trusted that being led by God would guide him. Starting a business brought financial challenges, but Cody's faith overcame doubts. Even in times of scarce resources and bills piling up, he stayed steadfast, and miraculously, each month brought provision. The story takes a twist when Cody, with no money for food, buys a BMW. Questioning the decision, he turns to God, realizing the importance of faith and belief in every step. Instead of just asking for blessings afterward, he learned the power of doing things with God from the get-go.

 In a nutshell, Cody's story is one of resilience, gratitude, and a deep-rooted faith that sustained him through life's challenges. His journey emphasizes the importance of love, family, and, most notably, the enduring power of faith. It's a testament to how a strong belief can guide us through adversity and lead to a life filled with purpose and understanding. And hey, it all started with a childhood dream of fast cars and a deep desire to provide for his loved ones. Life, faith, and a touch of luxury – Cody's got it all!






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