The Power of Belief - Chase Gordon

Growing Up Without God

Chase admitted he grew up going to church but didn't have a real connection to God. Though he attended, he called it "just routine." It wasn't until he met his mentor, Mr. Shell, that Chase said, "He showed me, okay, God is real." This meeting sparked Chase's faith journey.

Despite facing numerous obstacles growing up, including his father going to prison when he was only 15, Chase managed to achieve his dreams with the help of mentor who spoke faith into his life. Though Chase didn't yet belong to God as a confessed Christian, his mentor still spoke God's promises over his life. Chase explains "God has to honor that word" even for someone unsaved. Even before fully surrendering to God, He still miraculously provided for Chase. Chase explains, “If you can believe His word, He’ll still perform it.” This reveals the immense power of faith.

At 20 years old, Chase reached a crossroads where he decided to commit his life to Jesus, jumpstarting a transformational relationship with Christ. Chase said this new commitment to God “took it to another level.”

However, it remained an uphill battle for Chase who reveals there were times he wanted to quit. An inner voice kept him tied to his faith, reminding him, “You knew better not to leave.” Even when scared to attend Bible Study, something drew him back. Chase credits God for performing miracles and opening doors in his life. With faith and perseverance, he remarkably walked onto the tennis team at the University of Tulsa - something no other American had done in years. He later achieved his dream of attending law school and becoming an attorney.

Despite doubts and lack of support, Chase persisted in following where he felt God leading. Throughout his story, Chase emphasizes the power of the spoken word of God. His journey demonstrates we must intentionally choose who we listen to and what we speak out. By clinging to faith, we too can overcome adversity to reach the desires of our heart.

Throughout the podcast, Chase emphasized the importance of surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and God's vision for your life. He also stressed staying grounded in God's Word to transform you and open up blessings. Chase encouraged listeners to know their unique gifts and lane in life instead of comparing themselves to others.


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